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Revista FHM

Contactati acum Profesional Global Press pentru a va promova serviciile si produsele firmei dumneavoastra in revista "FHM" prin module de mare publicitate.

Revista FHM

Profil revista "FHM"

The FHM magazine is read each month by men from 30 countries all around the globe.

The FHM experience is, for the Romanian reader, a communication and lifestyle link to millions of other men around the globe, united by their common passion for FHM.

FHM readers are MEN, plain and simple! Because a man knows his way to balance between gym, sex, career, health, monden events, sports, culture and is always up to date with everything that is new and useful to him!

That is because a man does just one thing but does it best: he lives his life at full!

Public Tinta

FHM focuses on young men, aged 18 to 34 years old, dynamic, well educated and having a high level of income, preoccupied with living their lives at the full.

64% of the readers are men, which not only means a great penetration on the segment but also provides the fact that women love FHM too. 86% of the readers are aged below 35 years old and 77% are medium and high educated.


Module mare publicitate - Modul Simplu

Modul de mare publicitate ziarul Modul de mare publicitate ziarul Modul de mare publicitate ziarul Modul de mare publicitate ziarul
(22,2 x 29,7 cm)(22,2 x 7,4 cm)(14,8 x 29,7 cm)(11,1 x 29,7 cm)
Modul de mare publicitate ziarul Modul de mare publicitate ziarul   
(7,4 x 29,7 cm)(5,5 x 29,7 cm)